Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Mysore pak (SNC EVENT)

Hi  friends! Our friend Divya Pramil  from You too can cook Indian food.  posted interesting  contest. Its South vs North challenge and  a way to learn new things.  

According to the challenge teams were divided into North and South group and  I belong  to North group being from Mumbai, Maharashtra.

The first challenge came from  Divya's southern team  and its  Mysore pak.

For me looking at ingredients I thought should be easy but method got me stumped. I had to make sugar syrup and this is one thing I can never get it right. Maybe  a mental block about this but  I could never  try anything which had sugar syrup in  the method. Encouraged by Divya pramil and Shruti wahi and her tips on how to get it done along with step by step instructions I managed to make mysore paak first time in my life. Needless to say it came out perfectly and just like the way  I love it.
So here is my recipe and for step by step instructions you can see divya's post.

1 cup gram flour 

1 cup sugar

1/2 cup water

3/4 cup ghee

1/4 cup oil

Grease a plate before only and keep it aside. Mix oil and gramflour. In a deep  vessel, mix sugar and water and make  1 string consistency sugar syrup. This was the hardest part for me but seeing the pics and explained by shruti I knew when it was right. Next  add the besan mixture to syrup stirring continously.  Add ghee little by little and keep stirring. For me  somehow  2tbsp ghee seemed enough. Keep stirring till mixture changes color and texture and leaves sides. Pour in greased plate immediately and  tab the plate to straighten it. The mixture hardens  immediately. While its still warm make desired shape cut and keep it aside. Remove from plate and store Mysore pak in  airtight container.

Hope you all like it and hope the two Divyas Shruti and others and everyone like my very very very first attempt at this and thanks for this wonderful challenge  I finally made something new which I love so much and it came out perfectly just the way I love it. I am sure going to make this again as only few pieces are left now. So what do you all think, waiting for your lovely comments.

Those who would like to be part of this event, kindly click on the Join my event link at left side bar. Hope to hear from everyone.

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  1. Great job, Meena!! Well done for the first attempt dear..

    Divya's Culinary Journey

    1. ya divya thanks the syrup part was tricky for me but i did it. so now i learnt a new thing hehe

  2. Meenu am really glad that it has come out perfectly for you :) Awesome job!!! Wait and see our Southern team too will rock ;)
    Green Gram Dal / Moong Dal / Pasi Paruppu Peerkangai Kulamabu
    Inviting You To Join In The South Vs North Challenge - Learn Regional Indian Recipes

    1. yup yup yup divya even though look and pic didnt come out good but i was in hurry to click as i got excited

  3. Yummy looking pak...Kudoos...

  4. Good job meena...Looks great for the first time..sooper:)

    1. thank u priya, even u did wonderful job with bhel

  5. Wow!!! You got it right in the very first attempt great. The recipe has few ingredients but surely it must be difficult to make the sugar syrup. I wonder if I will try it or not. Any way wats this contest. Is it that you have to try and make the dish ( south wale)

    1. mukta chk divya pramil link in the first line. its all written there. north walas have to do what south wala challenge and vice versa
      u try it mukta if i can do it u can do it even better i m sure

  6. Congrats Meena on your Mysore Pak. It looks great in the pix.

    1. yup gauri thanks dear
      it turned out great

      u guys shud hv seen me dancing like idiot when i finished making it hehehe

  7. Muje bhi bhej do eh sweet :D

    Good event.. i see that the states in north are more.. but people participating form south are more..

    1. heheh vinod states in north r more but i guess ppl in north are less

  8. I tried the recipe despite being in the south team and it did not come out well... yours look great, good job

    Cook like Priya

    1. awww priya u wud do it. if i cud so cud u. i had to follow the method and my fear was the sugar syrup more

  9. hi Meena my hearty congrats and appre for attempting such a delicous preparation with grt effort....

    Inviting to join Ongoing Events
    Let's Party - Prasadam Special
    Taste Of Tropics - Authentic Indian Platter

  10. Replies
    1. thanks asiya yes it was wonderful attempt

  11. WOW Meena :-)
    You rock !!!! See how nicely you made it ....
    Very nice

    1. shruti thanks to ur guidance abt sugar syrup and ur super fast express i managed it hehe

  12. Love mysore pak and this looks so inviting

    1. thanks vimitha
      its almost finished in my home
      wud try it again over the weekend

  13. Never tried ..i love skc mysore pak..urs is looking good

    1. i love mysore pak and i always thought how its made but it came out real good

  14. Well done Meena..can't believe it is the first time you have tried it..this sweet is really very tricky..has to be made with lot of patience.

    1. sachi i also thought it must be very tricky thing to make

      bt sugar syrup was scaring me
      thanks dear

  15. NIce Meena... I will try it definitely...

  16. Awesome job Meena. Very happy to see your mysore pak dear. You attempt first time and made perfect.

  17. Good job....looks perfect...

  18. First time and you have come out with flying colors Meena..looks tempting...

  19. Cant believe you tried for the first time,well done.

  20. looks so perfect meena!!!!today I'm also gonna try...let see how is going to come out...

  21. wow meena, good job. I have always been wary of trying indian sweets at home.

  22. I love mysore pak..will try soon..

  23. it is one of my favorite dishes, though I try to avoid it because it is very fattening with all that ghee. My bhabhi used to make it & some of my friends also make it at the time of Diwali. Have you tried Kaju mysore pak ? I love that too :)
    by the way, we use different method to make Mysore pak. pouring hot ghee a little at a time from a height & sprinkle cold water over the mixture; so that the mixture froths up & a net forms over it after it settles.

    1. thanks vimi even i love it. what u say cud be right this only got confusing for me becoz of syrup but i think this was the easiest for me to do. this one did have that net type thing and texture was so perfect. i dont know why 2 tbsp ghee seemed enough for me
      so it wasnt fattening but ya oil was there.

  24. thanks to all of you for liking this..

  25. Meena, the pictures look great just the way I have seen in my in-laws place. And the receipt looks easy enough but I too have a mental block regarding sugar syrup. Can you send me details for that so I can try. Bala loves itsnd I would like to try it for the coming festival season. Great job.

  26. Awesome job Meena! I love it :D

    And your Rajma cutlets were a hit!! They are the Appetizers for this week's Dinner Menu Extravaganza :))

  27. well done meena! mysore pak turned out good. do visit my space in your free time. glad to follow you

  28. Hi meena we are on the same boat, i also never tried anything with sugar syrup which ask for thread consistency, by seeing your Mysore pak, i have gathered some courage to do that, may will try it some day.

  29. Fabulous attempt :) way to go.


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