Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Nan khatai-- eggless cookie

Hello all! Ever since I got oven I kept thinking I should try more baked items. I am still not perfect but I am trying to make full use of my oven to try out things which at some time seemed a distant dream. My today's recipe is just that only. Another one of my experiments but I tried my best. It did not come out perfect but still it was very good for a novice like me. Nankhatai is basically a cookie. It comes in many flavours but I chose the simplest one as I had the basic ingredients needed. I always bought them from bakery but this I have promised to myself I have to try and perfect it. The first attempt at this was good enough for me and family. 

Recipe source:  HOME COOKS RECIPE


I had halved the quantity here as it was my first time and made minor change to the flavour.


  •  1 cup maida/APF
  • 1/2 cup castor sugar
  • 1tsp vanilla essence
  • 1/4 tsp baking powder
  • 1/2 cup ghee
  • to garnish nuts (optional)

Pre heat the oven to 150c. ( oven settings would vary).
Dust and line the baking tray. I used my cake pan here.
Sieve maida with baking powder. Add sugar and mix well.
Add ghee little by little to the flour. The cookies consume a lot of ghee so add slowly and little by little.
First the mixture would resemble bread crumbs. Slowly add ghee till it resembles a poori type dough. Do not add more ghee when the dough is ready.
Make small balls of the dough and press it slighly and top it with nuts of your choice. I added almonds in my first batch but for rest I kept it simple.  Alternate use a cookie cutter to make shapes of your choice. Since I do not have cutter I just pressed with hands. 
Put the cookies on baking tray.  Bake the nankhatai for 10- 12 mins or till  the cookies turn slight brown. Remove from oven and let it cool.  Do not try to remove or else cookie would crumble. I did just that to see if its done. 
Once nan khatais  have cooled enough remove from tray and transfer to airtight container.
A great tea time snack I would say. Well I am going to try again soon to perfect it and the pics here show the ones which did come out very very good.  Hope you like this.







  1. Its very perfect dear... looks so crisp n yummy... n for lava cake u can use Microwave safe bowl i used that only...

  2. Wow Meena, the Nankhatai's looks yummy. Perfectly browned and have a crisp look.

  3. Very perfectly baked Nan-khatai. Yummy and fabulous dear.

  4. nankhatai's was my favorite aunty ......... u made it well

  5. perfect colour and perfect shape.......yummy

  6. Looks so crispy and good Meenu, seems like you re baking much these days :)

  7. they have come out good meena. well done

  8. Wow Meens ... Nan katai looks yummy :-)
    Perfectly baked !!!

  9. Replies
    1. And dear, regarding the heart symbol you enquired, I simply copy pasted it in the page header when creating the page. hope this helps

  10. looks very crispy and perfect.love to have with tea.

  11. Looks yummy yummy..Parcel pls..Now I feel like having with hot tea:)

  12. Love this always for my tea time...yum!

  13. well done meena :) they are looking perfect..

  14. my favorite indian cookie Meena ji, my only suggestion try not using baking powder next time around... I have done the same cookies without Baking powder... looks superb

    1. thanks all for the likes and priya yes thats what someone told me not to use baking powder.. this round was a small one and I would make new batch again soon but without baking powder
      thanks for suggestion

  15. They look perfect, good job dear..

  16. I love these cookies a lot Meena ji.. You have made it very well.. :)

  17. Its looking Perfect Meena.

    Nan Khattai never try... you made perfectly.

    Ongoing Event:
    Homemade Spices : Store To Bowl

  18. the nan khatais are looking crisp. a good start to baking goodies like this one.

  19. These are on of my fav biscuits with tea, they look so crisp!

  20. These are one of my favourite with tea, they look so crisp!

  21. Dear Meena

    Congrats... You have been nominated for Liebster Blog Award.please check my blog for more details.

    With love,

  22. Hi Meena,
    Nice nankathais ...
    How have you been dear.. not seen you around since a long time... I am also getting back into blogging after a break.. do stay in touch..

  23. wonderful dear, i guess you are back.

    you are become a full time food blogger

  24. Lovely :)
    Happy to pass on the Liebster award to you - http://amateurscookingdiary.blogspot.no/2013/03/en-award-liebster.html

  25. Yummy cookies.. Happy to follow you Meena

  26. Wow!! meena Nankhatai looks so Yummy and crispy....


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