Friday, March 16, 2012

Awards Time

Hello everyone. 
Today I got my first award from  Hema. Thanks a lot  for giving me wonderful awards.

I am giving this to following fellow bloggers as per the rule of the award.
The rules for accepting this award are:
  • Add the awards to your blog.
  • Thank the blogger who nominated you in a post with a link back to their blog.
  • Share 7 completely random pieces of information about yourself.
  • Include this set of rules.
  • Forward this award to your fellow bloggers and inform them with a comment on each of their blogs. 

Sobha @ Good Food

Anjana  @    Maayeka

Jay @   Tasty appetite

Aarthi  @  Yummytummy

Kalyani  @  Sizzling Tastebuds

Radhika @  Tickling Palates

Information about me:   
  1. I am a housewife plus multi tasker. :)
  2. I love chocolates though I get toothache later.
  3. I am mother of  2 grown up kids
  4. I haven't been much of a great cook but lately been experimenting here.
  5. Blogging was time pass for me but now I enjoy as I made great friends here.
  6. As and when time comes  I like to travel and you can check my travel tales to know more.
  7. Last but never the least, thanks to all the encouragement and comments I have been able to write out and improve a lot.


  1. Congratulations for getting an award Chatter! you have put in a lot of hardwork in putting up your blog site and posting tasty recipes to all. Congrats once again!

  2. Great work!!!.. Congrats!!! Wish you many more of those awards in the future..

  3. Congratulations for your first award dear!!wishing you many more to come..and thanks for sharing with me.I am realy honoured ..

    1. Congrats on ur awards..

      Thank you so much for passing this award to me and thinking of me when you pass this on..This really mean a lot to me..Thanks Again

  4. congrats meena...wish u many more dear......

  5. thank you everyone. its delight to get awards

  6. Congrats on ur awards..Thanx a lot for passing it to me :)

  7. deserve it. Keep it up..!

  8. congrats Meena..
    so sweet of you to pass d honour to me..;)
    Tasty Appetite


Thank you for your valuable comments. Each of your comments keeps me motivated to write more.However,please leave your name when you comment as anonymous commentator would remain anonymous and chances are that comment may not be published :)Thank you so much.

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